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[[preprinted]] 62 [[/preprinted]]
April 25, 1922

MF[[strikethrough]] 7825 [[/strikethrough]]7825 [[strikethrough]] 10.4 -57 [[/strikethrough]]82 -36.4
Ident. 8 15 -36 40
N star  Known
[[strikethrough]] 9 56 -59 44 [[/strikethrough]]

Comp. Confirm on B plates.
8 25 -33 50 Comp? Confirm on B
This is CDM -33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 50 99
8 25 8 3 -33 46
= H.D.72137 K0. on B13406.

MF7825 must show fainter stars than B13046, since I have hastily ident -33 5056, 5058, 5061, and 5066 which can be classified and do no appear to be in H.A.93.

Too thin on B12788, B13046 near edge B39920. 
no A plate.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-17 08:54:26