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[[preprinted]] 53[[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Monday, April 24, 922 [[underlined]] 

MF7835 11 50-52
Ident. centre 11 54 -52 10 (1875)

1   11 45 -56 35
Known Gas neb. See also MF7872  p.50

2.   Class Ma 0,6,1,0,
In H.A. 56 p.26, ident. as C.P.D.
O.K.  -52[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6904, [[strikethrough]] but it follows & is N. of DM. star 56,  11 55.3 -54 3.4 9.8 
DM star is Class A [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] look up ident. [[/strikethrough]]

3.   neb 0, 8, 10
12 9.3 -50 59
TV Centauri

4.   Pec N. or R
Probably [[delta]] Centauri
12 19 -48 53

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-13 13:41:56