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May 3, 1922
MF 7848  7 41 -26

Ident.    7 43 -25.5 load x3
Good plate except irregularity of clock made a narrow image on one edge.
Images a little too wide to give ft. stars.

Pec sp. Var. ?    N or R.
approx 7  55 -30 near edge.
In C. DM.
H.D. 65977 A0.
Probably blue end is cut off in MF 7868 

Pec sp.  C. Dm. 7^[[h]] 57 7 3
7 30 58.5 -23 33.9  8.4
H.D. 61024 K0 in B18301
Strong lines greater [[lambda]] than H [[gamma]

look up certainly Pec

Two stars in B 18045. N.p. star is slightly brighter. The strong hyd. lines belong to this component, which prob. has sp. of F5 or F8, while the s.f. comp. has sp. of K0.