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[[preprinted]] 159 [[/preprinted]]
July 26, 1922

B53181   15 50 -57
T Normae

Star near shows br. lines but more seen on B53173
3 Comp. on plate.
Look up Comp.

M pec? ft M star, no H & K bands
2 Class O  known
1 neb
very good plates although not very narrow

Object at 16 04 -54 (B53100) shows several br. lines on this plate.

B5317[[strikethrough]] 9[[/strikethrough]]8  [[strikethrough]]22 +10[[/strikethrough]]21 +30
very narrow but still the ft stars are difficult.

53179   22 +10
very poor.
Mb on MW.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-03 12:29:12