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[[preprinted]] 160 [[/preprinted]]
Friday, July 21, 1922

B53182   17 08 -36
Compare blue ends of several stars
B star H[[beta]] br.?

B3183   [[strikethrough]] 17 08 [[/strikethrough]] 18 28 -5
[[strikethrough]] Comp? Perhaps focus[[/strikethrough]] Yes O.K. on 53237

53184   19 20 +23
very narrow ft. star not very good

53166   16 20 -50
16 04 -54 shows on br. line.
Other obj. br. lines probably defection.
B53161 shows all dark.
good plate

53154   14 59 -51
Too wide Fair 
Md.  H[[beta]] br.? on edge.  var.?

53155   16 28 -40
neb 16 24 -40.2  known

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-03 12:29:20