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Aug. 15, 1922

B[[overwritten]]3[[/overwritten]]53254   17 24 -37
Too narrow!
very ft. star Class R?

53255   16 20 -33

1 Defect? in Class R?
Defect. Sec B53258

2 Much contrast bet. portion H[[beta]] - H[[gamma]],
and shorter region.

53256   17 52 -15
Setting wrong in dec.
Centris  17 48 -36
Nova ft. on edge
Very good if Class O  17 52 -32

53257   18 40 -6

53258   16 20 -33
ST Scorpii  very pec. Sp. Class R?  See also 53255
no sp. given on 55    R5 in H.D. 96.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-01 18:59:08