Viewing page 22 of 232

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[[preprinted]] 16 [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] Thursday, Apr. 22, 1926 [[/underlined]]

+50[[symbol - degree symbol]]
I35801 [[strikethrough]] A gap bet. MF358 & I35801. New plate to be taken [[/strikethrough]]

|   |   |   |   |
|72|3|K2|   |
|73|4|K5|   |
|74|3|F8|   |
|75|2|[[strikethrough]] A7 [[/strikethrough]] A3|   |
|76|3|[[strikethrough]] A5 [[/strikethrough]] F5|   |
|77|3|K7|   |
|78|2|K7|   |
|79|3|K0|   |
|80|2|B|See I31047 (almost cont.)|
|81|-|-|Too poor in all plates|
|82|3|F2|   |
|83|1|G5|   |
|84|2|K7|   |
|85|2|K5|   |
|86|[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 3|[[strikethrough]] K7 [[/strikethrough]] G0|   |
|87|1|K7|   |
|88|2|K0|   |
|89|2|K5|   |
|90|3|A0|   |
|91|2|K2|   |
|92|4|A3|   |
|93|1|G5|   |
|94|2|K5|   |
|95|2|G0|   |
|96|2|K0|   |
|97|3|G0|   |
|98|1|K0|   |
|99|4|A0|   |
|100|1|A2|   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-24 07:00:44