Viewing page 19 of 230

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[[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|151|+26 2289|55.9|+26 49|9.3|   |
|152|+27|   |+27|   |Not in DM|
|153|+27 2088|55.5|+27 17|9.5|   |
|154|+27 2084|54.1|+27 43|9.5|   |
|155|+27 2082|52.8|+27 26|9.1|   |
|156|+27 2083|53.1|+27  1|9.5|   |
|157|+26|   |+26|   |Not in DM|
|158|+26 2283|11 52.8|+26 44| 9.5|   |
|159|+26 2285|52.4|+26 12|9.0|   |
|160|+26 2284|53.4|+26 16|9.5|   |
|161|+26 228[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]1|52.[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]]5|+26 [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]]25|9.5|   |
|162|+25 2447|52.8|+25 30|9.5|   |
|163|+25 2446|11 52.7|+25 16|9.3|   |
|164|+25 2444|51.7|+25 29|9.2|   |
|165|+25 2443|50.7|+25 18|9.0|   |
|166|+25 2440|11 49.8|+25 25|8.8|   |
|167|+25 2441|50.4|+25 45|8.7|   |
|168|+26 2276|49.9|+26 2|9.4|   |
|169|+26 2275|49.8|+26 38|9.0|   |
|170|+26 2277|50.3|+26 38|9.4|   |
|171|+26 2278|50.9|+26 47|9.5|   |
|172|+26 2279|51.4|+26 56|9.5|   |
|173|+27 2074|50.7|+27 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]]8|9.4|   |
|174|+27 2079|51.7|+27 31|9.4|   |
|175|+27 2078|51.6|+27 19|9.3|   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 14:36:13 strikethroughs need to be added ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 21:27:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 13:58:09