Viewing page 45 of 230

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[[preprinted]] 41 [[/preprinted]]
I 12481 - 414 - 495
I 18006 496 - 550 & 348
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|476|+21 2351|11 37.7|+21 53|9.2|   |
|477|+19 2500|39.6|+19 51|9.2|   |
|478|+19 2501|40.4|+19 52|9.3|   |
|479|+18 2540|46.9|+18 50|9.4|   |
|480|+18 2542|47.1|+18 42|8.6|   |
|481|+18 2543|48.3|+18 58|9.3|   |
|482|+19|   |+19|   |Not in DM|
|483|+18 2547|50.8|+18 48|9.3|   |
|484|+18 2550|51.9|+18 39|9.2|   |
|485|+18 2551|52.1|+18 42|9.4|   |
|486|+18 2553|52.3|+18 49|9.3|   |
|487|+18 2557|52.7|+18 44|8.7|   |
|488|+18 2560|53.9|+18 56|9.5|   |
|489|+18 2561|56.0|+18 45|9.5|   |
|490|+18 2565|57.7|+19 34|9.1|   |
|491|+19 2533|12 1.5|+19 6|9.3|   |
|492|+19 2534|1.7|+19 8|9.4|   |
|493|+19|   |+19|   |Not in DM|
|494|+19 2538|3.4|+19 30|9.5|[[strikethrough]] Not in DM [[/strikethrough]]|
|495|+19 2540|4.0|+19 30|9.1|   |
|496|+19 2541|5.4|+19 21|8.7|   |
|497|+19 2542|5.6|+19 46|8.7|   |
|498|+20 2694|5.2|+20 6|9.4|   |
|499|+20 2691|3.6|+20 4|9.4|   |
|500|+20 2692|12 3.7|+20 24|9.4|[[strikethrough]] Not in DM [[/strikethrough]]|

Transcription Notes:
This is a 6 column table. Please follow format shown on rows that are already done. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 23:17:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 03:14:22