Viewing page 47 of 230

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[[preprinted]] 43 [[/preprinted]]
I 18006 + 348
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|501|+20 2695|12 6.0|+20 10|9.2|   |
|502|+20 2697|6.8|+20 23|9.3|   |
|503|+20 2696|6.8|+20 16|9.3|   |
|504|+20 2698|7.5|+20 3|8.7|   |
|505|+20 2699|7.5|+20 35|8.6|   |
|506|+20|   |+20|   |Not in DM|
|507|+20 2701|8.6|+20 44|9.5|   |
|508|+21|   |+21|   |Not in DM|
|509|+21|   |+21|   |Not in DM|
|510|+21 2402|8.9|+21 39|9.4|   |
|511|+21|   |+21|   |Not in DM|
|512|+22|   |+22|   |Not in DM|
|513|+22|   |+22|   |Not in DM|
|514|+22 2454|9.4|+22 54|9.5|   |
|515|+22|   |+22|   |Not in DM|
|516|+22|   |+22|   |Not in DM|
|517|+22 2459|11.4|+22 20|8.8|   |
|518|+22|   |+22|   |Not in DM|
|519|+22 2457|10.6|+22 2|9.5|   |
|520|+21 2405|10.6|+21 43|9.4|   |
|521|+21 2404|10.4|+21 32|9.5|   |
|522|+21 2403|10.3|+21 29|9.3|   |
|523|+21 2406|10.7|+21 14|9.0|   |
|524|+21 2407|11.0|+21 32|9.4|   |
|525|+21 2408|11.4|+21 20|9.0|   |

Transcription Notes:
Do not transcribe checkmarks.