Viewing page 179 of 230

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|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|226|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 728|4 58.7|+12 55|9.5|   |
|227|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 805|4 58.7|+13 13|9.5|   |
|228|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 807|4 59.5|+13 13|9.5|   |
|229|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 808|[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]5 0.0|+13 2|9.2|   |
|230|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 809|5 0.0|+13 11|9.5|   |
|231|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 811|5 0.3|+13 14|9.5|   |
|232|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|233|[[strikethrough]]+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 815|5 0.9|+13 19|9.4[[/strikethrough]]|Not in Dm|
|234|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 815|5 0.9|+13 19|9.4|[[strikethrough]]not in Dm[[/strikethrough]]|
|235|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|236|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 737|5 0.9|+12 46|9.0|   |
|237|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|238|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|239|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|240|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|241|+13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 819|5 1.8|+13 1|8.8|   |
|242|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 739|5 2.0|[[strikethrough]]+13[[/strikethrough]]^[[+12]] 42|9.5|   |
|243|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|244|+11[[symbol - degree symbol]] 733|5 2.0|+12 0|9.5|   |
|245|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|246|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 740|5 3.0|+12 12|8.5|[[strikethrough]]probably joined[[/strikethrough]]|
|247|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 743|5 3.4|+12 31|9.4|   |
|248|+12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 742|5 3.4|+12 37|9.4|   |
|249|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|250|   |   |   |   |not in Dm|
|   |   |   |   |   |[[strikethrough]]not i[[/strikethrough]]