Viewing page 115 of 236

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|Neb.|[[alpha]]|[[delta]]|Comp. Stars|Positions in 2000 [[alpha]]|Positions in 2000 [[delta]]|
|23|17 9 30|-60 18.0|-60 6759|   |   |
|   |17 9 30|-60 18.0|-60 6763|   |   |
|   |17 9 30|-60 18.0|17 9 18 -60 20.4|17 18 26|-60 25.2|
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]=23"|[[Delta]][[delta]]=12.6'|17 9 41 -60 7.8|   |   |
|   |=3.8mm|=12.5mm|   |   |   |
|24|17 11 6|-60 3.2|-60 6763|   |   |
|   |17 11 6|-60 3.2|-59 6967|   |   |
|   |17 11 6|-60 3.2|17 9 41 -60 7.8|17 20 2|-60 10.4|
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]=121"|[[Delta]][[delta]]=20.2'|17 11 42 -59 47.6|   |   |
|   |=17|=18.2mm|   |   |   |
|25|17 14 29|-60 24.8|-60 6793|   |   |
|   |17 14 29|-60 24.9|-60 6801|   |   |
|   |17 14 29|-60 24.8|17 14 29 -60 28.6|17 23 25|-60 31.6|
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]=59"|[[Delta]][[delta]]=9.1'|17 15 28 -60 18.9|   |   |
|   |=8.1mm|=8.4mm|   |   |   |
|27|17 4 55|-60 35.8|-60 6728|   |   |
|   |17 4 55|-60 35.8|-60 6722|   |   |
|   |17 4 55|-60 35.8|17 5 40 -60 47.3|17 13 51|-60 43.8|
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]=190"|[[Delta]][[alpha]]=19.1'|17 2 30 -60 28.2|   |   |
|   |=21.8mm|=10.8mm|   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]28|17 5 3|-60 385|   |   |   |
|   |17 5 3|-60 38.5[[/strikethrough]]|not a neb. H.S|   |   |
|  |[[strikethrough]]17 5 3|-60 38.5[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |
[[annotation]] Bailey's[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] Bailey's[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] Bailey's[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 26 is Bailey's[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] [[underlined]]H.N. 1837[[/underlined]][[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] {Bailey's: 17 4.9 -60 41.3)[[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] [[strikethrough]] marked by Bailey & I measured twice but does not correspond to Bailey's position for nebula in that vicinity [[/strikethrough]][[/annotation]]