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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
October 17th, 1907.

Edward S. Holden, Esq.,
Librarian, Library United States Military Academy,
West Point, New York.

My dear Mr. Holden:-

I returned home this morning and hasten to write you concerning a very interesting interview which I enjoyed with Colonel Scott last Tuesday evening - my only regret is that you were not present.

Probably ere this letter reaches you, you will have returned to West Point, seen Colonel Scott and learned from him the plans we chose for unveiling the Whistler Memorial. They seem to me very simple and appropriate. If Mr. Whistler himself, could have been consulted, I am confident he would have suggested no change.

The letter of gift from Mr. Holker Abbott, President of The Copley Society of Boston, will also doubtless reach West Point in advance of this letter. It is written in harmony with the suggestion made in your letter to me of October 7th, and will be found, I trust, worthy of preservation in your permanent records.