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Ansd - Jan 7th

27th West 67th Street.
New York.

January 14th 1913.

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
33 Perry Avenue, West;
Detroit, Mich.

My Dear Mr. Freer-

I beg to acknowledge your letter of yesterday. I heartily approve of taking in Mr. Beckhouse. He has from the first taken a keen interest in The China Monument Society of which he is a member and one of the workers. I rely on him for translations and regard him as our "staff" in all important matters concerning the language.

Since receiving your suggestion it occurs to me that if there were a means by which we could take over all the members of The China Monuments Society as honorary members of the American School of Archeology in China, we would be doing a nice thing and it would make them our friends and allies at once. This might be done by a resolution, at the next meeting, and when Mr. Warner goes to China, or before, a suitable notice might be sent to all those members conveying the fact to each. As you observed on the letter-head of the Society those members include representatives of the foreign governments in Peking, and foremost officials, and others, and if properly thought out and put into execution the act could be made a very graceful one.

Beside Mr. Backhouse, there are the Chinese secretaries of the legations who will be of incalculable advantage to have to consult with and advise. Some of these are members of the Society. I am sure the members of our China Monuments Society, and others who have approved and adopted our aims will look upon this happy movement of the American School, coming as it does with its own funds, and able to carry out its aims without obstacle, as the realization of