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Transcription: {SPEAKER name="Harryette Miller Barton"}
uh, now in terms of the representation
in the films themselves, do you, do you, think that the um
films uh during this period, the ones that you were
involved with, as well as
um, any other black cast or black produced films,
do you think that they represented um
or projected that attitude that was among
blacks during the period about
sort of the preferences for skin color and so on?
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
I believe-- I believe there may have been some
prejudices against very dark-skinned women.
I believe that there was some prejudice.
{SPEAKER name="Harryette Miller Barton"}
Do you think this film still represents that in some way--
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
and I think I think that everybody who made films
remember, I think it was very, very difficult for dark-skinned women unless they had
some unusual dramatic talent to really be
given a preference to really get
a job. It wasn't until
as far as I'm concerned, of course, by that time, I was no longer working in motion pictures, but I
don't believe it was until the early '60s
[[car sound]] where uh filmmakers began to include
uh dark-skinned actresses
in their films. Uh, I think the
dark-skinned men were more acceptable than dark-skinned women
were, and this is purely my personal opinion. I could be wrong
but from the films that I saw, the [[??]]
uh, which appeared in such magazines as Ebony and Al World [[car sound]]
and other magazines, which I later worked at when I left motion pictures
uh, I think uh it it- it began in the '60s
to give dark-skinned actresses
uh, an opportunity to work.
I believe that, for instance, Cicely Tyson, as fine an actress as she is,
would have had a very difficult time
being cast in a leading role in the 1940s or early '50s.
This is my personal opinion.
{SPEAKER name="Harryette Miller Barton"}
You suppose that that, um, well
prevalence of attitude um might have affected um
actresses sort of pursuing, dark-skinned women pursuing uh acting careers uh in film?
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Oh, I'm sure that it did! Not only in film but in the theater also
It's a peculiar, a peculiar, phenomenon uh
that, uh, well, I don't say it's peculiar. It's a fact of life, really
that uh dark-skinned people have difficulties in doing anything serious in the theater or in motion pictures
if their skin was dark.
{SPEAKER name="Harryette Miller Barton"}
Hm [[positive]]
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Unless it was merely a character role
and of course, it handicapped no well it also handicapped
any black actors,' negroes as they were called at that time, with the few exceptions such
as Ethel Waters, who played more or less character roles,
um um Lena Horn, who is a very beautiful woman who was almost
white-looking in her screen portrayals
uh, certainly, it was a handicap.
[[car sound]] and then uh
Many years ago uh, the storylines, the plots
which were used in uh films as well as on stage
uh did not present the negro in a serious manner.
It didn't have the stories uh with a strong dramatic line in which the person's character
and, uh his well, adjustment to family life and life in America
those things with those kind of roles were just not written for black people
and even some, if I remember correctly, and I can't name any names at this time,
unfortunately, my memory isn't what it used to be there were
there were stories that uh were written really about, uh, the plot
was really something taken from black livelihood and played by white actresses.