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Transcription: [00:11:25]
{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Anybody said whatever Oscar said, he couldn't but it together but the elder always claimed that they were related.
He said there's no way with this name Michelle--and we and he--and I used to laugh about it--he said--you know the elder--but the elder insisted, and Louis--
Mr. Louis Michelleused to come out because by sister, sister Alice, his sister, named Margaret called my sis--Mrs. Michelle, my sister, Sister Alice,
they always seemed to think there was some relation somewhere and nobody could put the finger on it but a name like that!
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
It is so unusual.
{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Yeah! Ya know--and they--but they couldn't put it together somewhere,
but the elder, whenever Oscar was in Washington, the elder got hold of him and they had a time!
And he, the elder, was insistent and Oscar said "I don't know what you're talking about" you know, it didn't matter to him, about family, but the elder insisted that his--I dont know,
whatever--his grandmother, his grand-somebody--somebody, that they, well, that is was uh obvious that something along the line there was--
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Yeah, that name is so unusual [[cross talk]], its hard to imagine.

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Yeah. Yeah. And I haven't seen--I thought Louis, Mr. Louis Michelle who came up when my mother passed and all,
I thought that he was dead but Tucker tells me that he's not dead at all, he's alive.
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Uh, as far as I know he's still alive but the book store on 125th Street is no longer there.

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Is that so?

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
And I know he was--he was very ill, when I interviewed him, which was like five years ago.

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Is that so?

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
And his wife was pretty much keeping it together and at one point this book store was supposed to move into a new state office building right on off 125th Street.

He had been given space on the lobby floor for a new store and he felt he just could not make the move and his wife apparently didn't want to keep it up,

So the store was closed nobody knows what is going to happen to the contents of the store--

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
If indeed something has not already taken place.


{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
Oh dear.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Now with all that material.

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}
All that material in there--

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
I know.
I interviewed him in the basement of that store--

{SPEAKER name="Blanche Crayton"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
And he, ya know, he ultimately started talking about himself, primarily. And his father, the elder

and pulling out books from different corners of the area and blowing the dust off of them or pulling out a record underneath a pile of newspapers, and it's