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Transcription: [00:00:02]

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
I [[tape skips]] the movie house, uhm, the Majestic or the movie house in--

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
in on Western Avenue. Was it a small-- What was the size of it?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
No. No, the Majestic was a lovely, uhh, movie place, and so was, uhh, and so was the Sutherlin,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
It wasn't bad. It was just, uhh, regular size.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
There used to be a be a movie house right around the corner here where McDonald's was, you know, and they built that since I've been here,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
and they torn it down, and built McDonald's. That used to be a lovely place on Fulton Street.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Uhh, the Apollo, that was. And you could go in there for a quarter you, uhh, and you can sit upstairs or downstairs.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Course Betty was little, so we always sit up stairs cause that quarter meant a lot to us. [[Laughs]]

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Ah! This was?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
This was the 30s you were talking about?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
That was in the, uhh. Let me see. That was, uhh, 24. Yeah, about in the 30s, they had that movie house, cause, uh, we moved here in 24,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
and we used to go to the movies. Mmm, Betty was about five,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
so, uh, that’s when we used to go around there and sit up in there, and then when, uh, it-

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Was that only movies?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Did they have live shows there; the movie house?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Did they have what?

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Did they have live shows? Did they have shows?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Um huh.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
It was only movies?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Only movies.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Only movies. Only movies

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Did you-- Did you ever see any black films?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
No. Black movies. They didn’t have no black movies. They didn’t exi-- Now on television, you turn that right on, uh, and that's the first thing you see is a black person. [[Laughs]]

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
But just-- You didn't see no-- You didn't see no black people. [[Giggling while talking]] They-- they thought black people didn't know nothing.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Didn't know nothin'. They didn't give no-- They had to be out in the street doing labor.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
[[tape got loud]] It was a different all together-- [[tape got quieter]] They did not come on top.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
What do mean, they didn't come on top?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Uhh the-- the poor black person, they'd never done anything good; they always had [[phones rings]] to do labor work.

Transcription Notes:
This was not done correctly. Need spacing between dialogs, etc... Please watch video instructions. Timestamps are wrong, and done incorrectly. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-29 18:29:44