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All Claims for Allowance Must be Made Immediately After Receipt of Goods. MAIN HOUSE OSAKA BRANCH HOUSES TERAMACHI, KIOTO NOBORIOJI, NARA LONDON HOUSE 68 NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W. YAMANAKA & CO. Dealers in Japanese Art Objects 254 FIFTH AVENUE, Bet. 28th and 29th Sts. AMERICAN HOUSES 324 & 272 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. BOARD WALK ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. NEW YORK, Dec. 18, 1905. 190 Mr. Chas. L. Freer, TERMS 33 Ferry Ave., Detroit, Mich. [[4 columned table]] | --- | --- | --- | --- | | NH5317 #1453 | 1 | Sung Bowl, Clair-de-lune glaze with spots of dark purple inside and mottled creamy white on exterior and interior. Date--1500 Height. 3½ in Dia 8 in | 150 | [[checkmark]] | NH5326 #1454 | 1 | Han Jar dark green glaze with golden irredesence decorated with numerous animals in high relief completely around [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] the shoulder, [[strikethrough]] carved [[/strikethrough]] incised arabesque on the neck under the glaze [[strikethrough]] with golden iridescent [[/strikethrough]]. Date-200 B.C. Height 16 in | 700 | [[checkmark]] | NH5280 #1455 | 1 | Chinese Jar. Hard grey paste, black bold decoration in Indian ink under turquoise blue glaze, from Southwestern coast of China. Date -- 1300 Similar to No 1087 Height 12 ½ in | 200 | [[checkmark]] $1,050. On approval. AWG
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