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Kyoto June 22nd 1907.

[[stamp]] 新屋 蒲田藤 卷)(0百六千貳 電話 [[/stamp]]

C. L. Freer Esq.,
Detroit Miss.

1. Screen by Matahei [[checkmark]] ¥ 1000.
1. Sung dish very red repaired [[checkmark]] ¥ 1000. 
1. Iron Vase by Myochin  } [[checkmark]] 
1. Wooden Buddah Kwannon } [[checkmark]]}¥1,600.
Total ¥ 3,600. 00/100

Received Payment With many thanks.
Yasuke Fujita
Kyoto Japan
[[stamp]] 新屋 蒲田藤 卷)(0百六千貳 電話 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
The illegible stamp at the top looks like the same as the one at the bottom. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 07:41:28 - Japanese characters need to be transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 15:48:24