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[[obscured]] and Etchings
[[obscured]] Drawings: Fine Picture Framing
4 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York.
Opposite the Union League Club.
European Agencies:
Frederick Reppel and Son, 27 Quai de l'Horloge, Paris
3 Duke St., Adelphi, London

[[underlined]] Auss Nov 1st [[/]]

New York, October 16, 1907.

C. L. Freer, Esq.,
33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.
Dear Sir:-
We send you by express to-day the Whistler etching, as you desire. We can quote the price of $550. for this print. We are also sending an engraved portrait of George W. Whistler, which we though [thought] would interest you, and Mr. Keppel sends in the same package, with his compliments, two photographs.

Yours very truly,
Frederick Keppel & Co

[[underlined]] No 194 Nocturne- Shipping [[/]]