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The best report in these particulars and for average attendance is for the school of the [[?]] Society in Georgetown taught by Miss [[Obstir]] (Colored) where in a school of 63 scholars the average is 60. The no always punctual 48 and always present 59. I should except the Orphan Home School where all numbered in the school are present- when not detained by sickness. I F Cook Esq (Colored) in his school of 60 reports an average attendance of 55. All the night & Sabbath Schools are not reported but 12 night-schools reporting give an attendance of 759 scholars and 30 S.S.'s report 2591 scholars. The night & S.S.'s are distinct from such schools connected with Colored Churches. The amount of Donations from Societies & Individuals as reported is $2233.00. & 104 Garment and 2 Boxes of Clothing, not valued. 125 families and 460 individuals have been aided. Mrs Doolittle AJFR Asso reports that her