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12—Sab school report—1718 scholars
14 night school report [[strikethrough]] 842 [[/strikethrough]] 982 scholars
597 persons & 5 families have been aided by [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] $576.62 & 3 Boxes of [[shoes?]] and a large quantity of clothing, value not estimated.
Mrs. Doolittle reports in her Georgetown Industrial School 120 pupils. No of garments 90. distributed to the poor 61. paid to pupils for work 27. sold 4.
Mrs Walker at Campbell Hospital. report the Industrial School 60 names on the list. 80 garments made. 85 garments distributed. 12 have been sold.
The Industrial School at Freedman College reports 233 garments made.
I have the honor to be your obt servant.
John Kimball
Supt of Schools &c.

Transcription Notes:
Some of these words in your transcription are not in the text. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 13:25:24