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Industrial Schools

[[6 Columned Table]]
|Name & Place | women Employed | Goods received | garments made | given away | sold. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|Freedman Village Ind School |   | 1215 yd shirting; 204 burlaps 12 gross Buttons 11 lbs Thread | 135 Dresses  50 Shirts  29 Bed Sacks |   |   |
| Mrs. Tayman's Alexandria Va | 63 | 6 Barrels 3 cases  870 yds of Kersy, lot of goods from govt | 52 coats 60 pair of pants, 160 garments altered, 25 yds of rag carpeting | 142 articles of clothing | $24.37 worth of clothing |
|Mrs. Doolittle Georgetown | 25 average |   | 87 garments | 51 garments | 48 garments paid for work  2 shirts for $1.50 |
|Miss Walker Campbell Hospital| 35 average |   | 166 garments (54 of them pants) | 150 garments Fme and Coms Stores | 10 garments |
| Mrs. Bigelow & Miss Harris Capitol Hill | 50 |   | 72 garments | 500 garments |   |
| New Eng Friends 13th St report for Feb & March | 65 |   | 300 garments | 1250 garments (value $1152.00 groceries $246.48 | 478.65 $188.00 paid for making in store sold $4000. worth |
| Total 6 schools | 238 |   | 1055 garments | 2093 garments |   |