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Washington, D.C.
October 1st 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. C.H. Howard
Asst. Comr D.C.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.

I have the honor to present the following report of Schools in your Department from the 1st of July to the 1st of October 1867.

Nearly all the material needed, has been ordered for the building of twenty-five (25) School Houses after plans furnished from this office. The material for four houses only of this number, is yet awaiting transportation.  Some of these houses are already finished, and all of the rest except the four mentioned above, are in process of erection, and will soon be ready for occupation. 

In Maryland the sites for these house have been obtained by the Colored people themselves, and they have also erected the buildings thereon. In a few instances the sites have been given to them by friendly Whites, and some assistance has been received from the same quarter in renting the buildings