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Supplement to report of Schools in the District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Delaware for October 1868.
[[5 columned table]]
| Location of Schools | Names of Teachers | No. of Pupils | Owners of Buildings | Occupants of Buildings. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Washington, D.C. 7th St. near Boundary | A.L. Barber & 2 Asssts. | 87 |   | Trustees, Howard University |
| Washington, D.C. I St. bet. 19th & 20th Sts. | S.B. Gregory & 3 Asssts. | 26 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | A. Baptist H.M. Association |
| Washington, D.C. Judiciary Square | J. M. King & 1 Asssts. | 56 | Mrs J A Fowle. | Trustees. Nat. Theo. Institute |
| Washington, D.C. Cor. 22d & I Sts. | E. Turney & 2 Asssts. | 55 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | National & Ladies Educational Societies |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss S.G. Brown | 47 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss M.C. Hart | 58 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Mrs. C.W. Groves | 48 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss M.E. Brooks | 50 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss A.S. Simmons | 57 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss L.V. Fisher | 53 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss M.E. Garrett | 47 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. M St. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. | Miss H.A. Simmons | 56 | Trustees Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. Cor. 17th & N. Sts | Miss M.R. Mann | 44 | Miss M.R. Mann | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. I St. near 17th St. | Miss A.E. Washington | 51 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. I St. near 17th St. | Miss C.A. Jones | 61 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. I St. near 17th St. | Miss L.A. Barbour | 53 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. L St. bet. 16th & 17th Sts | Miss N. Warrick | 56 | Miss N Warrick | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. Cor. 24th & F Sts. | Miss M.F. Keigher | 47. | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. Cor. 24th & F Sts. | Miss G.I. Fleet | 55 | Bureau R.F. & A.L. | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Miss G. Withington | 36 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Mrs. E.H. Disbrow | 53 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Miss L.W. Stebbins | 54 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Miss C.F. Withington | 54 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Miss A.L. Foote | 52 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |
| Washington, D.C. O St. bet. 4th & 5th Sts. | Miss M.A. Dorster | 64 | Trustees of Colored Schools | Trustees of Colored Schools |