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The Report should always be forwarded in a LARGE ENVELOPE without unnecessary folding. Teacher's Monthly Report. Good Hope School, at [[blank]] for the month ending Febry 1886 Teachers. Forwarded 186 Received 186 [[Left margin]] SUGGESTIONS 1. The importance of regular, accurate, and full reports is not easily overestimated. 2. The report is to cover the school month of the district in which the teach is employed, when this does not coincide with the calendar month. In all other cases, it will cover the calendar month, or fractional part of a month, ending with the last calendar day. 3. If the Society sustaining the teacher has a superintendent of its own in the district, it will be only necessary to report to him, unless specific instructions to the contrary are given; but when no such superintendent is present, each report is to be made in duplicate, the first copy to be sent to the office at which the teacher was commissioned, and the other to the nearest superintendent of the Bureau. 4. The report will not be considered regular, unless it is finished and mailed within five days after the expiration of the month reported. 5. Every subdivision of the report is to be attended to. Every space is to be filled with a sypher, if not with significant figures. A blank signifies a defective report, and nothing more. 6. When the precise data are not at hand, approximate figures should be entered, and noted in the margins as such. 7. It is evident that an accurate report can only be derived from an accurate Daily Register. 8. The formal report is not to take the place of familiar correspondence, with the local superintendent or home office, but to serve as the text which the correspondence shall explain and illustrate. The teach should regularly discuss the general progress of the school, the chief obstacles encountered and the method of meeting them; adding observations bearing upon the welfare of the school, and information in regard to the condition of the freed people at large in the vicinity. 9. The usefulness of the Commission is in the keeping of the representative. Too conscientious a regard for one's own prudence of behavior can hardly be entertained.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 16:30:35