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MONTHLY SCHOOL REPORT, TO BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN AND ABANDONED LANDS, OF [[21 Columned Table]] | Location of School. | Teacher. | Number last report. | Number Admitted. | Number Left. | WHOLE NUMBER. Boys. | WHOLE NUMBER. Girls. | WHOLE NUMBER. Total. | AVERAGE ATTENDANCE. Boys. | AVERAGE ATTENDANCE. Girls. | AVERAGE ATTENDANCE. Total. | Number over 16 years | Number under 6 years. | Number in Alphabet | Number in Arithmetic. | Number in Geography. | Number in Grammar. | Number in Writing. | No. in higher branches. | No. in Needle Work. | REMARKS. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Camp Wadsworth Fairfax Co Va. | Mary H. Brasius. | Fifty one | Number admitted since last report, five. | None | Thirty two. | Twenty four. | Fifty Six. | Twenty. | Twelve. | Thirty two. | Three. | Three. | None. | Mental Arithmetic seven. On slates twelve. | From books seven. From the maps, all. | None. | Writing in books fourteen And write on slates. | Physeology four. | Seven. | Reading in third reader eight. In second reader nine In first reader eight I have one little boy under six who reads very well in second Reader. | Mary H. Brasius Camp Wadsworth