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A Day School?
Or A Night School. Night

White. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total
Black. 18 Males, 3 Females, 21 Total

Last Report. Never Before Reported
This Report.
Males: 18
Females: 3
Total: 21

By new Pupils. 18 Males, 3 Females, 21 Total
By transfer from other schools. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total

By leaving school. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total
By transfer to other Schools. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total
Total. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total

Over 16. 15 Males, 3 Females, 18 Total

Number always present. 4 Males, 0 Females, 4 Total
Number always punctual. 4 Males, 0 Females, 4 Total
Average attendance. 9 Males, 1 Female, 10 Total

Pay tuition. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total
Admitted free. 18 Males, 3 Females, 21 Total
TOTAL tuition paid. 0 Males, 0 Females, 0 Total

1. What is the average sanitary condition of the School? Good
2. Is singing taught in the School? Practiced, not taught
3. Number in needlework, if taught in connection with the School. Not taught
4. Number in Sabbath School, if one is sustained. Average attendance of about 20
5. Night Schools and Sabbath Schools within your knowledge, not regularly reporting. 0
6. Amount donated.
                    Reported in Day School
7. Number aided.

III. -Class Report. 
[Graph left blank with the following remarks]
The scholars all furnish their own books it has been impossible as yet to have any uniformity - 

IV. - Text Books. 
[Graph left blank with the following remarks]
It is impossible to fill this report

I //strikethrough//We//strikethrough certify that the foregoing report is correct. 
Caroline Almord
Dated March 6, 1866