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Monthly School Report,
To Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.

[[22 Columned Table]]
| No. of Schools. | Location of School. | Teacher. No. | Teacher. Name. | Sustained by what Society. | No. Last Report. | Number Admitted. | Number Left. | Whole Number. Boys. | Whole Number. Girls. | Whole Number. Total. | Average Attendence. Boys. | Average Attendence. Girls. | Average Attendence. Total. | No. always present | No. always punctual | No. over 16 years | No. in Alphabet | No. in Arithmetic | No. in Geography | No. in Writing | No. in High Branch | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

|   | In Ridge St Bet 4th and 5th and bet M & N |   | Maria W Stewart | Sustained by us Society | No on Register for the month February 26 | 4 | 3 | 14 | 12 | 26 |   |   |   | 23 | only 5 have attended punctually without missing a day | 6 | none | 2 in Davies High all in Davies Primary Arithmetic | 2 studying 11 in promiscuous questions | 12 on paper the rest on slates | none |

1.  Number in Needle Work, if taught in connection with the School.  None taught needle work
2.  Number in Sabbath Schools, if one is sustained.  I gave up the Sabbath school  Not having help or encouragement I concluded I should eventually sink under my labors from exhaustion and fatigue for want of rest  And God does not require of me more than I can do
3.  Night and Sabbath Schools within your knowledge not regularly reporting.  none 
4.  Amount donated.  0
5.  Number added.  0
6.  Remarks.   
7  Number in Night School if one is sustained. I have had 22 night scholars for the past month  14 Males and 8 Females

Superintendent or Principal Teacher.