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[[preprinted - text begins mid-word]]
ioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for the State of [[//preprinted]] Tennessee[[preprinted]] , of the..., in colonies and camps, at depots and stations, and on Government farms or lands set apart for their benefit, or in.. 
[[//preprinted]]  31 [[preprinted]]  day of [[//preprinted]] August[[preprinted]] , 186[[//preprinted]] 6. [[preprinted]]

[[28 columns table]]

|Total number of Men. No.|Total number of Women. No.| Total number of Children. No. | Aggregate. No. | Aggregate last Report. No. | GAIN. BORN. Male. No. | GAIN. BORN. Female. No. | GAIN. Received. No. | GAIN. Total. No. | LOSS. DIED. Male. No. | LOSS. DIED. Female. No. | LOSS. Discharged. No. | LOSS. Total. No. | RATIONS. Full rations received. No. | RATIONS. Full rations issued. No. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to First Class. Dolls. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to First Class. Cts. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to Second Class. Dolls. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to Second Class. Cts. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to Third Class. Dolls. | RATIONS. Value of rations issued to Third Class. Cts. | RATIONS. Total value of rations issued. Dolls. | RATIONS. Total value of rations issued. Cts. | Value of medicines issued. Dolls. | Value of medicines issued. Cts. | Value of Quartermaster's property issued. Dolls. | Value of Quartermaster's property issued. Cts. | REMARKS. |








[[Total on last line of table]]


[[/end of table]]

Aug. 31st[[pre-printed]], 186[[//pre-printed]]6.

Clinton B. Stark
Bvt Maj. Genl & [[pre-printed]]Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
[[//pre-printed]]State of Tennessee