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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 20th, 1907. 

Dear Colonel Scott:- 

I am leaving for the Berkshire Hills this evening, and if it will be entirely convenient to yourself and Mrs. Scott, I would be pleased to visit West Point on Monday, next, the 25th instant. I hope to be accompanied by Messrs. Holker Abbott and T. W. Dewing, and we will arrive by one of the early trains from New York. As it is necessary for me to return to Detroit on Tuesday, the 26th instant, I shall have to leave West Point at 3:27 p.m., taking the local train as far as Cornwall and connecting there with "Continental Limited" train which is due to arrive is Detroit at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. 

If you are not to be at home on Monday, next, or if our coming at that time will in any way inconvenience you, do not hesitate to say so, in which event the visit can be made at a later time. 

I expect to reach the Plaza Hotel, New York city, late Friday evening, the 22nd instant, and I should be glad to have a line from you to reach me there that evening or the following morning. 

Thanking you in advance, I remain, 

Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer

Colonel H. J. Scott, U. S. A., 
Superintendent, United States Military Academy, 
West Point, New York.