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Detroit, Michigan; 
33 Ferry Avenue. 
November 29th, 1907. 

Dear Prof. Morse:- 

It has been a real pleasure to me, to meet Prof. Adolf Fischer, Scientifical Attache of the German Legation, in Peking. He has been in Detroit for a few days, and he starts from here to-day, going directly to Boston. I have taken the liberty to give him a card of introduction to you; and I am sure you will enjoy meeting him. He has traveled extensively - in both China and Japan; and is devoted to Oriental Art; in fact, is the agent of the German Government, and is closely allied with the Museum at Kiel. His enthusiasm and interest is amazing. He has heard lots concerning your Pottery and is anxious to see it, under your own leadership. He is just the sort of a gentleman you will like; and I hope - after having shown him your Pottery, you will pass him along to the Department of Oriental Paintings. 

I wish I could be with you, when you display your wonderful Pots; but unfortunately for me, the strenuous side of life keeps me, unwillingly here. 

With all kind messages, 

Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer 

Prof. E. S. Morse, 
Salem, Mass.