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Detroit, Michigan;
33 Ferry Avenue.
November 29th, 1907.

My Dear Sir:-

I am greatly obliged to you, for having so kindly sent me copies of photographs of the Japanese paintings, along with your courteous letter of November 25th. I have examined the photographs, (which, by the way, are most excellent,) with much interest; and I regret to say that, with the exception of the "Death of Buddha," the Paintings are all of a later period than I am now seeking. Years ago, I secured a number of examples of the later Kano School; as many as I deemed wise to include in my Collection. In the future, I shall add - of this School, works only by the earliest Masters; namely, Massanobu, Sesshu, Moto-Nobu, et al. I add this explanation simply to show you my reason for not wishing to purchase the Paintings. They are doubtless, excellent specimens of the later Kano School.

Believe me -

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer.

George Parson,
309 N. J. Avenue, A. E.,
Washington, D. C.

P. S. I have a satisfactory painting of the Death of Buddha - about the same size as yours