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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 14th, 1907.


My dear Professor Kelsey:-

Your good letter of December 13th, came this morning, and since its arrival I have had a talk with Mr. George W. Bates.

I am very glad that you have decided to postpone the meeting of the Classical Club to some time in January, thus enabling yourself, Professor D'Ooge and others to meet and hear Dr. Horgarth on Thursday evening, next.

Mr. Bates consulted me concerning our joining in a little Dinner at the Hotel Ponchartrain prior to the lecture.  The plan is very agreeable to me, and I hope to be able to participate in it and to hear the lecture, but as yet, I am a little uncertain as to my ability to do so.  Within the last few hours, a very important business matter has arisen, and I fear it may compel me to leave for Washington, D. C. on Monday, or perhaps earlier.  Should I go, I may not be able to return in time to be here on Thursday evening, next.  However, as at the present writing, it is too early to speak definitely, I shall not worry about it.