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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit Michigan,
December 19th, 1907.

Mr. B. Kobayashi,
Care, Palmer House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:-

On my return home this morning, I found the telegram sent me from Chicago, also your letter of December 18th.

The bill of lading of the one case of Screens and Kakemono, shipped per S. S. "American Maru", of November 19th, is also here, but the paintings themselves, have not yet arrived. You know it will take some time for them to travel from the Pacific Coast to Detroit - probably not less than three weeks. When they arrive, I will communicate with you.

Yours truly,
Charles L. Freer

P.S. I remember Mr. Bin Ueda very well indeed and the pleasant evening spent with him. It will give me pleasure to see him again