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in praising its methods of training and developing young men. He was fond of emphasizing the value of such training and development, morally, mentally and physically. He placed the Academy above all other educational institutions. I may add that one has only to study Whistler's own victorious warfare against his enemies, Ruskin, et al, to prove the soundness of his own belief.

I might say much more on this subject, but you will appreciate my hesitation in the matter. Too many people already have evidently forgotten their obligation to friendship in a foolish ambition to associate their names with that of the distinguished artist - an error, which I wish to avoid.

Trusting you are keeping very well, and hoping to have the pleasure of meeting you again ere long, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Colonel Charles W. Larned,
United States Military Academy,
West Point, New York. 
