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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.,
December 23rd, 1907.

Dear Miss Birnie-Philip:-

Since writing you a few days ago concerning the desire of the Worcester Art Museum to obtain a representative example of Mr. Whistler's work, I have received the letter enclosed herewith, dated December 17th from Mr. Daniel Merrimann, President.

In my earlier letter, I suggested that possibly you might be willing to permit the Worcester Museum to purchase "The Head of Carmen". I don't know your views definitely enough to even guess what your answer will be. Also, it is possible there may be some other example in your hands whuch you would be willing to intrust to the Worcester Museum.

Will you be good enough to write me your pleasure in the matter, so that I may communicate with Mr. Merriman?

Believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Free

Miss Rosalind Birnie-Philip,
103 Albert Bridge Road,
Battersea, London, S. W.,