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33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 24th, 1907

My dear Miss Mechlin:-

You doubtless will be interested in a copy of a letter recently written by Messrs. Watkin Williams, Steel & Hart, Solicitors for Miss Birnie-Philip, the Executrix of the late Mr. Whistler's Will.

It is the desire of Miss Birnie-Philip that this letter appear in the Art columns of the American Press, and she has asked me to assist her in the matter. The letter has already been published in a number of the leading European Journals, and if you can consistently help in the matter, I shall consider it a personal favor.

With Yuletide greetings, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Miss Lelia Mechlin,
3020 Cambride Place,
Washington, U.S.A.