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33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 24th, 1907.

Dear Mr. Macbeth:-

I enclose herewith, a copy of a letter written by Messrs Watkin Williams, Steel & Hart, Solicitors for Miss Birnie-Philip, which explains itself.

Miss Philip is desirous of having this letter mentioned in the Art columns of the New York papers, and I am wondering if you won't be good enough to circulate it amongst your friends on the New York Press. I have written Dewing asking him to send a copy to Cortissoz, so you need not bother him.

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer.

William Macbeth Esq., 
250 Fifth Avenue, 
New York, N. Y.

P.S. I wish you the best of Holiday pleasures.

Transcription Notes:
I am unsure what the second to last writing in cursive says.