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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 7th, 1908.

Dear Professor Kelsey:- 

I am greatly obliged for your kind letter of January 6th. Yes, the newspaper reporters are amusing themselves in a harmless way by creating sensational stories concerning the Manuscripts. They are determined to say something, and when they cannot get hold of the facts, they draw upon their own imagination. Their silly vaporings do not disturb me in the least. Professor Haupt, if quoted correctly, depends also, upon his imagination entirely. 

I quite agree with you that the leaves should not be separated except in the presence of an expert photographer, who should use his camera immediately after the sheets are loosened. Mr. Swain is undoubtedly the man to undertake this work, and it is only wise that we should wait until such time as he can find leisure. No undue haste shall occur either in photographing, translating or in any other form, even to that of curiosity. Newspaper reporters and other "undesirable citizens" are naturally very curious to have a glimpse at the Manuscripts, but of course, I refuse all such requests.