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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
January 17th, 1908.

Captain Thomas Franklin,
United States Military Academy,
West Point, New York.

Dear Sir:-

Your kind letter of January 14th, enclosing two photographs of your pieces of Chinese Jade, came yesterday, and I hasten to reply.
My Collections do not include Jade, and it is a field of Art in which I have never developed any interest. Mr. Heber Bishop began making his famous Collection many years ago, and from time to time favored me with views of his finest specimens, but, unfortunately for me, I could not personally feel the delight they gave others, so I have, after unsuccessful efforts to appreciate the charm of Jade, given it up as a hopeless effort on my part.
For these reasons, I have never included any specimens of Jade in my Collections, and, consequently, am not now desirous of purchasing any specimens.