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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 30th, 1908. 

G. R. Swain, Esq.,
Principal, Bay City East Side High School,
Bay City, Michigan. 

My dear Mr. Swain:- 
Let me thank you for your letter of January 28th, and for news concerning the result of your trial with the Whistler and Japanese paintings. I am sorry that there is some disappointment, and shall await with interest, the result of your further development of plates.

I take pleasure in enclosing herewith, check in settlement of your account of January 28th for $39.70. It is, of course, my intention to pay for all the photographic work done in connection with the Biblical Manuscripts in my possession.

Professor Kelsey was at my home yesterday, and we discussed the making of further photographs of the Manuscripts, and he will write you ere long concerning the same. He will also want additional prints of the negatives you already have of the Biblical Manuscripts. I wish you would kindly provide him with as many sets as he wishes and send bill to me for the same.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer