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16 [[checkmark]] 33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Oct. 28, 1907. Dear Sir:- During my recent visit in Europe your good letter of September 4th was received, and the present is the first opportunity I have had to reply. I am glad to know that the ten pannels painted by San Setsu have been delivered into the hands of Messrs. Yamanaka & Company. They will surely pack them carefully and I know send them forward at the earliest opportunity. Many thanks for your kind attendance to the matter. [[?]] coming my home, I went to London and Paris for amens [[?]] from whence I returned recently and now expect to stay at my home for some months. I hope that yourself and Mrs. Nishiguchi are very well, and enjoying life in Kyoto. My best regards, I remain, Yours sincerely, Charles L. Freer Mr. Kora Nishiguichi Kyoto Japan.
Transcription Notes:
This letter is very faded and difficult to read
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 15:36:33