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19 14 33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Mich., October 28, 1907. Dear Kihachiro:- Thanks for your kind note of October 25th and its interesting news. I hope you will find it possible to start business in your new store at the time mentioned. During my absence in Europe, I received the photograph of Uta and her husband. It is a very excellent photograph and I am very glad to have it. When you are writing Uta, give her my kindest regards and best thanks, also please remember me to her husband. My trip abroad was very hurried, but entirely successful. I purchased the collection of Indo-Persian paintings and manuscripts and hope to see you in Detroit some day and to then have the pleasure of showing them to you. You will agree that they are an important link in my collection. With kind regards, I remain, Very sincerely yours, Charles L Freer