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22 [[symbol checkmark]] 33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Mich., October 28, 1907 My dear Mr. Kellekian:- You must pardon this late reply to your letter of October 19th, but the fact is I have been so busy with guests and other matters that I could not give you sooner answer. I have looked at the Persian books with much interest and I feel that they have taught me a great deal, not only their great beauty, but also the necessity of my giving more study to this field of art. Before buying too generously, I shall now study the few specimens of Persian art already in my hands, along with the large collection of Indo-Persian manuscripts and paintings recently acquired, and when I feel myself competent to judge more safely, I shall hope to make further purchases. The three books you kindly sent me I shall return by express tomorrow, charges prepaid, and hope they will reach you in safety. Accept, please, my best thanks for your kindness. I read with interest your remarks concerning the jar with inscription, and while I appreciate your offer to sell me the jar at $3,000.00, I cannot bring myself to contemplate its purchase at the figures named. With appreciation of your kindness, I remain, Yours sincerely,