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29 which came from your store, will receive during the coming winter very much of my time. I shall study them carefully and hope to familiarize myself with this charming art, and by degrees, in the future when opportunity offers, I hope to add to the collection, but I feel it would be very unwise on my part to rush into the market and buy promiscuously without knowing more about the subject and it was for this reason and for none other that I declined to buy the specimens shown me in your shop in Paris and in several other shops in Paris and in London. None of your friends and none of mine tried to influence me in the least against what we saw in your shop or elsewhere. It was entirely the result of my own determination in the matter. As further evidence, I must say that after arriving in New York, I called upon your brother and borrowed three of his finest Persian hooks which I brought with me to Detroit to compare with other specimens of Persian art which I already owned. This kindness on the part of your brother helped me to learn the comparative value of my own specimens. Now, I think you will see and I hope believe, that you misjudged our mutual friends in Paris. I appreciate the fact that your knowledge of Persian art is so far advanced that you can make purchases independent of other connoissuers [[connoisseurs]], but unfortunately for me I am only a beginner and I cannot as yet act entirely independent. I need all the coaching and training that I can get and I seek it in all possible directions.