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Detroit. Mich., 33 Ferry Avenue,
October 30, 1907.

My Dear Mr. Ishikawa:-

During a recent trip to England, your letter introducing Mr. Haregawa, was received, and the present is the first opportunity I have had to reply. I appreciate your rememberance [[remembrance]] and if I can assist your friends, Mr. & Mrs. Haregawa, I shall be much pleased.

I do not buy modern pictures for my own collection, but if Mrs. Haregawa's work is sufficiently artistic, I may be able to recommend her things to certain friends of mine, but of course I cannot speak definitely on this score until I shall have seen some of her work.

Mr. Haregawa has written me a letter which was received along with your introduction, in which he tells me that he has forwarded some of his wife's paintings to me for examination. The pictures have not yet arrived. When they come I will examine them and promptly thereafter write Mr. Haregawa, giving him my opinion of the work.

Trusting you are keeping very well, I remain, with kind regards,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. T. Ishikawa,
No. 5 Maruyamocho, 
Koishikawaku, Tokyo.