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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 13th, 1907.

Edward S. Holden, Esq.,
Librarian, Library United States Military Academy,
West Point, New York.

Dear Mr. Holden:-

Your good letter of the 11th instant, came this morning and interested me greatly.

Colonel Scott has already invited me to visit West Point, and I wrote him only a day or two ago concerning it.  I am hoping to be with you within two weeks, and then I shall be pleased to talk over your excellent suggestion concerning a tablet for Poe.  I think very well of the plan and I am hoping you will consult with Mr. Henry Bacon concerning it.  In any event, it will be an additional topic of interest for discussion during the coming visit, and you can rest assured that I shall do all that I can to co-operate in whatever plans are considered wise.

Believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer