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Mr Wheelock Ins of Schools

Endorsement on the letter of Smith & Gregory dated at Brenham Texas April 5th 1867 {S 183}, which was endorsed by Capt Edward Collins 17th Inf & Sub Asst Com dated at Brenham Texas April 5th 1867 as follows_

Respectfully forwarded. The within application recieves my strongest reccomendation & approval. Attention respectfully called to my communications of 24th ult & 1st inst on same subject

Hd Qrs Bu RF &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 10th 1867

Respectfully referred to Mr Wheelock Insptr of Schools for his information & action

By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26 US Inf & AAA Genl

Whittemore. E. W.

Endorsement on the letter of E W Whittemore U.S.A. and Sub Asst Com at San Antonio Texas dated April 6 {W 085} Asks if the [[?]]  Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj E. W. Whittemore US.A & SA Com at San Antonio Texas with the information that the circular referred to has not been changed or revoked & that the civil officers must take charge of all paupers.
By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 Inf & AAA Genl.

Doubleday A.
Brvt Maj. Genl.
forwarded to Gen Howard Feb 16/67

Additional Endorsements on the letter of Genl Doubleday dated Galveston, Texas, Feby 15" 1867, (D. 111), Which was referred by Genl Horward per A. P. Ketchum. A.A.A. Gen. Feb'y 23/67, to Genl H. M. Wittelsey. Ch. Q.M.. and by his endorsed as follows. on Feb'y 25" 1867,

Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj. Genl Wager Swayne, Asst Comr Bu. R.F&A.L. for Alabama, inviting attention to the statement that the children of Isaac Thompson reside at Linden. Ala. and requesting that investigation and report be made as to their ability and willingness to support their father in case transportation should be furnished as requested by the Sub. Asst Comr of Galveston Texas,

which was by Genl Swayne per J. F. Carynighan A.A.A. Genl endorsed as follows, March 4"/67,

Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj. C. W. Pierce. S.A. Comr at Demopolis for investigation and report in accordance with endorsement of Chief Q.M. of the Bureau,

which was returned by C. W. Pierce. Brvt Maj. & Sub. Asst. Comr March 25th 1867, endorsed as follows_

Respectfully returned to Lt J. F. Carynighan A.A.A. Genl, whose attention is invited to the enclosed letter of Thos. J. Woolf Probate judge at Linden. Ala, in reply to enquiries relating to the children of Isaac Thompson, Col')

which was again endorsed by Genl Swayne, March 28" 1867, as follows,

Respectfully returned to Brvt Brig. Genl Whittelesy, Chief Q.M. Bu &c, Washington D.C. inviting attention to enclosed letter from the Judge of Probate for Marengo, Co. Ala.

and was reendorsed by Genl Howard per H. M. Whittlesey, Ch, Q.M.. Bu &c, April 2" 1867, as follows,

Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj. Genl Chas. Griffin, U.S.A. & Ass.t Comr Galveston, Texas_ inviting attention to the within endorsement of Major Genl Wagner Swayne. Asst. Comr for Ala. of the 28th Ultimo. and to the letter from the Judge of Probate at Marengo Co. Ala. enclosed and remarking that in view of the facts therein stated it is not deemed advisable to grant the transportation asked for.

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