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Hd Qrs Bur. R.F. &c.
State of Texas
Galveston, April 10th, 1867,

Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj. Genl A. Doubleday USA inviting attention to foregoing endorsements, 
By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26th U.S. Inf. & A.A.A. Genl.

Taylor A H M. Lt
A A A Genl.

Endorsement on the letter of John Dix Justice of the peace at Nueces Co dated at Corpus Christi Texas (D 185) Mar 27th 1867 Respectfully referred to Col. A. H. M. Taylor omitted heading A A A Genl Dist of Texas requesting that that a detachment of Troops may be sent to Corpus Christi Mr Dix having been appointed an agt of this Bureau at that point.  
Hd  Qrs April 10th 1867
(sigd) J.T. Kirkman
By order of Bvt Maj Gen [[?]]
A A A Genl

Smith, Geo. W. 
Brvt. Maj. USA & S.A. Com

Endorsement on the letter of Geo W. Smith Brvt. Maj & S.A. Com. dated at Seguin Texas April 5, 1867. (S 185)
Hd. Qrs. Bu R F &c
State of Texas
Galveston Apr 10th 1867

Respectfully returned to Brvt. Maj Geo W. Smith USA whose actions in the within case is approved.

By order of 
Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26 US Inf A A A Genl.

Stevens 1st Lt P.
35th Inft S.A.C.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Phineas Stevens 1st Lt. 35th Inf & S.A.C. dated at Victoria Texas April 1st 1867 (S 186) (S 181 & E.B. 340).
Which was referred by Brvt. Maj Genl Griffin to Lt. A H M.Taylor A.A.A. Genl per 1st Left [[Lt]] J T Kirkman A A A Gen Bu R F &c & endorsed by him as follows on April 9th 1867.

Hd Qrs Bu R F &c.
State of Texas
April 9th 1867

Respectfully returned this office of the Asst Com Bu R F & A L Galveston Texas. If Lt Stevens requires a horse and equipmts he should make requisition for the same under the provisions of General order No 277. series of 1863 Also War Department.
By Command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Griffin
2d Lt

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 22:24:28